Kids Dental Treatment in Malda

Isn’t your child’s smile the best stress buster for you? Certainly yes. To preserve his or her healthy and natural smile, your child needs regular dental check-up & our friendly kids dental treatment in Malda, West Bengal

We all know that children are fond of sweets, also it is very difficult to develop a correct habit of brushing among them. And this is why they are more prone to cavities or tooth decay. Cavities that remain untreated can cause pain, infection and may lead to severe dental problems.

We are pretty sure, like other parents, you too must be wondering about when and how much dental care your child needs. As your child grows the dental problem also grows and eventually develops poor oral health in your child.

This is why it is important to take proper care of your child’s oral health in the teething stage itself. It is never too soon to start teaching your child about brushing teeth and developing a good oral routine in early days that will last a lifetime.

First & foremost your child should understand the importance of brushing and cleaning his teeth & mouth everyday & in night before going to bed. Other than tooth cavities there could be other dental problems with your child like chipped tooth or cracked tooth or protruding teeth or gum disease or bad breath and so on.

These problems can be addressed by our paediatric dentist who specializes in treating children from infancy to the teenage years. Our dentist will not only treat the current dental problem in your child but also guide your child how to avoid future dental problems.

Kids Dental Treatments at Sheli Dental Clinic, Malda, Westbengal . Preventive Dental Care For Children :

The earlier your child visits a dentist the better the chances of preventing future dental problems. Make sure your child should undergo regular dental checkups every 6 months. Give your child a strong, healthy and confident smile with our following preventive dental care.

1. Dental Cleanings & Screening:

  • Professional cleaning is performed by our friendly hygienist with specialized tools to remove plaque build up from the tooth surfaces of your child, bacteria in the plaque causes tooth decay, gum disease and gingivitis.
  • Removing tartar from teeth surfaces, that causes gum disease.
  • Removing surface stains from the teeth surfaces through polishing to give radiant smiles to your child.

2. Fluoride Application:

Tooth decay is the common problem in children due to improper brushing habits. Your child should get the fluoride application treatment at regular intervals to avoid plaque and bacteria which causes enamel loss leading to cavities.

3. Sealants:

The primary reason for tooth decay is the food and bacteria that gets trapped in the pits and fissures of your child’s teeth and causes cavities. To prevent this trapping, certain pits and fissure sealants are placed. Sealants are plastic coatings placed on the chewing surface of the permanent tooth to prevent it from decay.

4. Oral Habits:

Developing a good oral hygiene routine in your child is a must. Our specialists help your child with brushing and flossing techniques and encourage healthy eating habits in your child to promote good oral development.

Root Canal Treatment For Children :

Do you think that your child is too young for the root canal treatment? Think again. There is no age limit for the root canal treatment or Children’s root canal or commonly known as ‘pulp therapy’. Cavities and dental injuries can cause pain and infection that can spread to other permanent teeth.

This treatment removes the infection from the pulp, the living tissues in the roots of the tooth. When your child complains of a toothache, this may indicate that the infection has moved to the pulp and needs immediate treatment.

We have a root canal specialist for children as it needs different skill sets and tools to deal with children.

Orthodontic Treatment For Children :

If your child has crooked teeth or protruding teeth or misaligned jaw, then he or she might need an orthodontic treatment. The main purpose of orthodontic treatment is to create functional and healthy ‘bite’ and it is possible only when your child’s jaw and teeth are lined up correctly.

An attractive smile is an added benefit, but mainly the orthodontic treatments bring your child’s teeth, lips and face in proportion which eventually improves the function of biting, chewing and speaking.

Your child’s orthodontic problems can become worse as he or she grows if not treated timely. Untreated problems may lead to gum disease, tooth decay, broken front teeth and loss of bone tissue that holds teeth in place. If your child complains of a toothache or if he or she has extra teeth or crooked teeth or broken teeth or misaligned jaws, then you should consult our dentist for your kids dental treatment at Sheli Dental Clinic, Malda, Westbengal .