Virtual Dermatology

Telahealth Consultants™ team of dermatologists will help diagnose and treat minor skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, and many more. From your member portal, you can easily upload images of your issue for an accurate diagnosis. $0 Consult Fee through telemedicine visits.

* Healthcare liaisons are on standby to help you through the process.

High-Quality Convenient Care with Virtual Dermatology

Telahealth Consultants™ virtual dermatology provides the same scope of care you would expect from a traditional in-office visit.

Accurate Diagnosis

Utilizing our secure portal, members can discreetly upload images to help ensure an accurate diagnosis through Teledermatology.

Quick & Convenient Care

Virtual dermatology appointment is available nationwide.

Board Certified Dermatologist

$0 consultant fee through telemedicine visits.

We Can Help

Whether you’re managing a chronic condition, have a new concern or follow up visit, we can diagnose and provide a treatment plan.

Skin conditions commonly treated via Telemedicine include the following and more:

Common treated conditions:


We’re here to help

Members Benefits

Teledermatology enables dermatologists and patients to remotely share photos, videos and exchange other medical information from a distance using video conferencing.


Telemedicine is the utilization of technology that offers remote consultations for non-emergency medical care services.  Physicians are able to diagnose and recommend treatment to patients anywhere and anytime by utilizing a computer or smartphone.

Telemedicine is the utilization of technology that offers remote consultations for non-emergency medical care services.  Physicians are able to diagnose and recommend treatment to patients anywhere and anytime by utilizing a computer or smartphone.

Telemedicine is the utilization of technology that offers remote consultations for non-emergency medical care services.  Physicians are able to diagnose and recommend treatment to patients anywhere and anytime by utilizing a computer or smartphone.

Telemedicine is the utilization of technology that offers remote consultations for non-emergency medical care services.  Physicians are able to diagnose and recommend treatment to patients anywhere and anytime by utilizing a computer or smartphone.